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My Services

Discover Your Enneagram Type Interview: 90 Minutes $150

Have you taken an online Enneagram test only to feel confused about your Type? That’s because tests cannot ask a follow-up question, and your Enneagram Type is based not just on behavior, but the motivation behind it-the WHY.   There are many subtle differences between the 9 Types that tests are not able to get at.  As a highly trained Enneagram Practitioner, I am deeply familiar with all of the nuances and distinctions between the Types and I am an expert at differentiating these. I specialize in helping folks who have not been able to figure out their Type to do so.

Explore Your Enneagram Type Coaching Sessions: 60 Minutes $100

Do you know your Type, and are fascinated by the Enneagram but aren’t sure how to begin applying it?  Enneagram coaching sessions are customized to your needs and areas of interest within the Enneagram.  Some of my clients are newcomers to the system and enjoy learning the basics of the Enneagram with the support of a coach, learning the patterns of their Type and how to apply their new awareness to improving relationship dynamics.  Other people are quite well versed in their Enneagram knowledge and come to coaching looking for deeper ways to shed the layers of their personality to connect in more profound ways to their true nature.

With an MA in counseling, and many years of clinical experience under my belt, in addition to my extensive training in the Enneagram, I am well equipped to help others on the journey, however far along they may be.  I look forward to hearing about your goals so we can create a plan together! 

I meet with individual clients via Telehealth/Zoom or in person at The Christian Center of Park City, Utah (CCPC), where I am on staff in the Counseling Department.

Workshops and Seminars: Customized and priced accordingly

The Enneagram is an impactful tool to introduce to your organization or group. I customize Enneagram Seminars/Workshops/Events from personalized small experiences for groups such as your Meditation Group,  Bible Study, or small Non-Profit, to multi-day, interactive conferences for large organizations, that will meet your goals.   

Topics that others have greatly benefited from:

  • Improving Workplace Team Dynamics with the Enneagram
  • Understanding Your Parenting Personality Through the Lens of the Enneagram
  • Couples Dynamics and the Enneagram
  • The Enneagram and Your Christian Spiritual Journey
  • Communication Styles of the 9 Enneagram Types 
  • The 9 Enneagram Types: Your Intention vs Your Impact

Reach out to me today!

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I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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